
perfect muscular bodies, they go through daily struggles that the average person would not even think about. Bodybuilders have such a strict diet for example when they get their well-deserved cheat meal, they almost feel guilty for indulging themselves. Cheat day for them, is the day that makes their diet worthwhile, the day that keeps them going. Knowing they have a cheat day to look forward to every week pushing them to continue on the insane journey they have chosen. Another struggle every bodybuilder goes through on a daily basis is continuously feeling that they are too small.


Body Dysmorphia is a serious thing that distresses every serious bodybuilder. They have a never ending hunger to become bigger that sometimes they can never seem to satisfy. Those people you see pacing up and down in the gym, staring at themselves for hours on end, may not be vain but in fact, suffer from body dysmorphia. Inside their mind, they are fighting a never ending battle with themselves. Thinking they are too small, and having the need to pump more weights to get bigger. This is a serious issue that could lead bodybuilders down a path of over bulking their body and become obsessed with getting bigger muscles. Bodybuilders have to deal with this issue, it is a mental and physical fight they have to deal with and overcome this feeling of self-doubt.